Meyer Turun telakalla luonto on läsnä
Meyer Turku valmistaa Turun telakalla maailman suurimpia ja edistyksellisimpiä risteilyaluksia. Telakalla työskentelee päivittäin tuhansia ihmisiä ja se on merkittävä työllistäjä alueella. Osana Meyer...
New co-research project started
Business Finland has approved a new Necoleap co-research project on November 2, 2023: Experiential media boundaries and affectivity The project aims to research the emotional impact of media in public...
Necoverse project creates shipyard environment in industrial metaverse
“The interactive virtual world brings new opportunities to the training, planning and remote operations of the shipyard and shipbuilding. New technology increases remote work opportunities and thus ma...
Liity NEcOLEAP-keskusteluun!
Tule innovoimaan kanssamme, liity mukaan NEcOLEAP-keskusteluun! Liittymällä Necosysteemi-Teamsiin voit osallistua säännöllisiin NecoCoffee-tapahtumiin Teamsissa, sekä kerran kuussa järjestettäviin li...
Meyer Turku acquires beehives for the shipyard
Things are changing at the shipyard! Five beehives have been moved to the shipyard area, and a meadow classified as extremely endangered has been identified near the shipyard. It was discovered when w...
Light Steel Structure — a breakthrough in steel structures
In the green transition project NEcOLEAP, our goal is defined as as strengthening and expanding the innovative research and development work of the shipbuilding ecosystem. One of NEcOLEAP’s most...
The NEcOLEAP project led by Meyer Turku has received a large number of project proposals – the project’s goal is to build a climate-neutral cruise ship
The compilation of Meyer Turku’s NEcOLEAP lead project ecosystem has been cruising in tailwind. More than a hundred project proposals have been recieved and four projects have already started moving f...
The NEcOLEAP project led by Meyer Turku brings together industry trailblazers to build a climate-neutral cruise ship
Meyer Turku has been selected to take part in Business Finland’s financing project for leading companies and their partner ecosystems, which aims to help companies to increase their RDI investments in...